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by Keaton Rogers

It’s that time of year again where kids all over the country dress up as their favorite horror characters and ask for candy. Halloween! Trick or treating is one of the best parts of Halloween. Kids love going house to house to get their favorite candy for no cost. Grangerland is a great place to trick or treat, if you're looking for a fun and quick trick or treating event go to the cowboy church for trunk or treating. You can get good candy quickly and easily there. There is even a spooky hayride! But if you really want to get good candy I recommend going to Kingwood, and Atascotia. It is very common to get a full sized candy bar there. It’s actually rare to get a fun sized candy bar in that area. And it really isn’t far from here. It is about 27 minutes away, so you should definitely drive there if you want to get good candy. But the best part of trick or treating of all is obviously the costumes. There are so many different types of costumes that people can choose! Some costumes don’t even need to be scary. You can dress up as anything for Halloween. I think that’s the best part of trick or treating. You get to go house to house getting free candy as one of your favorite characters. Dress up and give everyone a scare. One thing that is a big part of Halloween. Everyone loves a nice scare, what fun to scare your friends. A night of laughter and jokes as you get sweet candy. Overall trick or treating is a fun way to express yourself and make new connections. And especially getting free candy.